This poster is dedicated to all the people that celebrate Christmas. If you do celebrate this festive holiday, make sure to support Jesus as much as you can. Also remember to spend time with your family and friends. We all hope everyone gets what they want for Christmas! Have a happy Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 13, 2018
X-Mas poster
This poster is dedicated to all the people that celebrate Christmas. If you do celebrate this festive holiday, make sure to support Jesus as much as you can. Also remember to spend time with your family and friends. We all hope everyone gets what they want for Christmas! Have a happy Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Mrs. Lennon
Mrs. Lennon was a very, very fun teacher to be around with. Even though I haven't really met her, I can trust all of the students opinions who have met her. This matter has really caused depression to most people. I have been told she’s a very lovely and funny teacher. Mrs Lennon's thoughts does really bring happiness and positivity to all. She has cared for every little soul. We all believe that she’s in a better place now where she can rest in peace. Every one will miss her endlessly. ♡
Te Reo Animation
W.A.L.T make a Te Reo slide using google slides. In this making of this slide, I really enjoyed using the characters to be creative. It really challenged me when I had to think of responses to respond to the question asked. Next time I am going to add more questions to make this more interesting. Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, November 29, 2018
W.A.L.T Convert from Km to M or M to km. I used google drawing to create this poster to help people to covert using Km and M, this shows a very quick strategy. I really enjoyed creating this poster because its learning and art at the same time. Using creative fonts and colours really challenged me, there was so many choices I felt like I could use all! Next time i'm going to improve on explaining on how to convert better. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, November 16, 2018
C.H.I.P.P- Threats to endangered species
Endangered species, on camp we went to the Zoo to learn about them and learnt what CHIPP stands for. CHIPP is a word to describe all of the things about endangered species.
C- climate change
H- habitat loss
I- introduced pests
P- poaching
P- pollution
In the middle of making this poster I always wonder about what these poor animals have been through that always melts my heart to pieces. If everybody wants to do this the right way, avoiding the animals habitat is the best way to do it, its cruel if you ask me! The thing that really challenged me with this poster is finding the right pictures for these topics. I really liked learning about endangered species because I can learn lots about them and in the future I could help them survive.
Halloween poster!
W.A.L.T Make a Halloween poster why or why not we should celebrate Halloween, I said yes. Its very important to celebrate Halloween, its just like all of the other special holidays so I don't get why people don't celebrate Halloween! This challenged me because I had to fit both my writing and pictures in it. I really enjoyed making this to tell each and everyone why Halloween needs to be saved! Next time i'm going to try and think of even more reasons to improve on this poster.
H- Happy children
A- All about candy
L- Lots of candy
L- Laughing about the egg splatted houses
O- Opportunity to spend time with care givers (This was inspired by Jordan Walker)
W- Walking with friends
E- Eating candy
E- Engaging with the ghosts
N- No annoying siblings
Friday, November 2, 2018
Te Kauru Camp 2018-(Writing 2nd Draft)
Heart racing, goosebumps appearing, I just couldn’t wait for my Rainbows End adventure to come! We had already entered Rainbows end and I had rushed to the rides, I was that excited, I was speechless! My favourite ride at Rainbows end was the Extreme Stratosphere because I had went on it with Whaea Deb and Jordan, I was scared when I had first sat on that seat but as the ride went on I wanted to go again and proved I was brave enough. At Rainbows End I also went on the fear Fall, as I went up, I could feel how high and fast that it was gonna drop. When it had dropped down I felt my body diving through the wind as if I had just jumped out of an airplane far up in the sky without a parachute.
Friday, September 21, 2018
2018 - Term 3 STEAM - ‘Coding and Arduino Boards’ Reflective Questions
W.A.L.T Post our STEAM reflections on our blog!
1. What was I learning and why?
We were learning how to code using snap4arduino, making a LED blink using an arduino board and a breadboard so we know what to do when we make our bots at the end of the year.
2. did I do well and how do I know?
I do well at making the breadboard and coding on snap4arduino because I take my time and use the instructions, or I would asked the teacher if i’m doing it correctly.
3. What challenged me ……?
The thing that really challenged me is when we had to code using the advanced coding for snap4arduino because i’m not used to using the different block codes than just the basics.
4. What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful ….. ?
Next time I will try and use the instructions carefully, keep on reading it a few times for the advanced coding and ask my partner for even more help than what is expected.
5. What have I enjoyed about the learning?
I enjoy working with my partner, Jodee, because she helps me alot and she’s honest we she needs my help. I also like connecting the arduino board to the chrome book and using snap4arduino to code, making and LED blink, fade out and in.
1. What was I learning and why?
We were learning how to code using snap4arduino, making a LED blink using an arduino board and a breadboard so we know what to do when we make our bots at the end of the year.
2. did I do well and how do I know?
I do well at making the breadboard and coding on snap4arduino because I take my time and use the instructions, or I would asked the teacher if i’m doing it correctly.
3. What challenged me ……?
The thing that really challenged me is when we had to code using the advanced coding for snap4arduino because i’m not used to using the different block codes than just the basics.
4. What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful ….. ?
Next time I will try and use the instructions carefully, keep on reading it a few times for the advanced coding and ask my partner for even more help than what is expected.
5. What have I enjoyed about the learning?
I enjoy working with my partner, Jodee, because she helps me alot and she’s honest we she needs my help. I also like connecting the arduino board to the chrome book and using snap4arduino to code, making and LED blink, fade out and in.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Letters To Sir
Sir, I know you're not a big fan of bubblegum but this issue will help for the generations to come in the future timeline.
Bubblegum can help to save money for the school to provide camps and activities for the students.
The teachers can be a waste when they use blue tack which means they're wasting money! I say that bubblegum can be the new blue tack brand, its so much cheaper.
No school is perfect, there's always the talkers driving others mad. Once again, bubblegum is most likely to bring silence into the class. We'd need silence to get better results in our education, by staying on task.
Sir, isn't it gross to see people chewing their clothes? You'd never know where its been! It would be better for them to chew on bubblegum then their clothes. Their parents would have paid loads of money for there clothing, its ridiculous!
Even though you HATE bubblegum, reading this letter a million times will change your mind.
Bubblegum can help to save money for the school to provide camps and activities for the students.
The teachers can be a waste when they use blue tack which means they're wasting money! I say that bubblegum can be the new blue tack brand, its so much cheaper.
No school is perfect, there's always the talkers driving others mad. Once again, bubblegum is most likely to bring silence into the class. We'd need silence to get better results in our education, by staying on task.
Sir, isn't it gross to see people chewing their clothes? You'd never know where its been! It would be better for them to chew on bubblegum then their clothes. Their parents would have paid loads of money for there clothing, its ridiculous!
Even though you HATE bubblegum, reading this letter a million times will change your mind.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Kiwi Report
We have been learning about the New Zealand endangered species, the Kiwi. We had to write a plan before writing our report. I had to get my facts from a text about the Kiwi, there were so many facts I didn't know about the kiwi which was surprising! I really enjoyed writing this report and learning lots and lots of facts about this flightless bird. The one thing I really found difficult was trying to find loads of facts about the Kiwis population but as soon as I was elaborating I felt a little more confident in writing facts about its population. Next time I would like to know more about its population and its habitat so I could try and visit one one day. As you can see I have transferred my writing onto a google slide for everyone to read, hope you enjoy my writing!
endangered species,
google slides,
report writing,
Drawing Of The kiwi
W.A.L.T not steal images off of the internet. We used google drawing to create these pictures of the kiwis, you can create loads of images with your imagination without having to copy write.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Science Roadshow
Last week on Wednesday, Te Kauru went to the Science Roadshow at abundant life and experienced a lot of new things about science. My favourite part of the science road show is when I went into the illusional spinning tunnel, it made me feel dizzy! Another part that made it to my favorites is when one of the ladies that held the Science Roadshow lit the lighter and it made HUGE flames. I liked these parts because it was fun and the flames were very dangerously eye catching. At the Science Roadshow I learnt that people can grow approximately more than 5 meters. Next time, if available to go to the Science Roadshow, I would really want to learn more about what body parts can do rarely more than what everyone knows commonly.
Maui Dolphin Facts
Maui dolphins are one of the two subspecies of hectors dolphins. They can live up to 20 years which is a short lifespan compared to other dolphins. Female Maui dolphins can grow 5.5 feet in length and weighs approximately 110 pounds. Females have there first calf between 7-9 years of age. Maui dolphins are known as endangered species as there a only 47 individuals around the world.
To navigate through the ocean, they use echolocation to find there way. Following along with the hectors dolphin they use short, high frequency clicks to communicate with one another. Maui dolphins are normally close to shore in small groups and are seen in water less than 20 m deep but may range further offshore. Before 2002 these Maui dolphins were once called the north island hectors dolphin until Dr Alan Barker studying the differences described it as a subspecies of them. They have a very low rate, tending to breed at just a fast enough rate to replace the population that naturally dies.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Place Values using Decimals
If you ever need any help using this place value stratergy, this is a great video to watch!
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Rounding and Compensating
Monday, July 23, 2018
Our Metaphors! Second Attempt
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Assembly vignette
Assembly Vignette
“Boom, smack” As the warriors furiously slapped there chest while doing the eye catching Haka. My heart exploding like grenades as nervwracking goosebumps crept up my arms and shoulders. Red chests appeared upon the tough warriors, leaving the audience with unexpected fear. There it was a young, miserable baby frightened with tears as the vicious Haka had ended.
Laughter, happiness began to go wild! Shivers went up and down my spine as the ferocious warriors vanished out the room. The audience felt amazed they couldn’t believe how thrilling the Haka was. My vanes in my body twisted round and round like a crazy coaster. Suddenly my eyes sadly shut down, the next scene was on, I was speechless.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Our Metaphors
Last term we were working on our own metaphors.
Hamarni is a furious police car, on the case to catch law-breaking prisoners, bright lights flashing with loud, ear-bursting sirens!
Hamarni is a furious police car, on the case to catch law-breaking prisoners, bright lights flashing with loud, ear-bursting sirens!
Sir Peter Blake Leadership Week
Integrity- Being honest, Treat people how you would like to be treated, self managing
Determination and the will to succeed- Trying my hardest in all tasks, never quit, believe in myself
Be a good team builder, leader and member- Including everyone in all activities, be fair, share,
Be hard working and know how to have fun- Stay on task and think of fun things, look forward to thrilling activities happening throughout the year!
Friday, June 22, 2018
All about me!
Hello... My name is Hamarni, I go to a school called Paparore School. My favourite hobbie is netball. I come from Australia. My siblings in my family are very annoying you couldn’t stand a day with them. I have a mum, dad 1 sister and 3 brothers.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga
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